Veterans Health Administration
HCRS Ensures Cybersecurity Compliance With VISN 7 Coding and Auditing Objective HCRS was tasked by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) with providing coding support and auditing services for VISN 7 facilities, while ensuring cybersecurity and HIPAA compliance. Background VHA VHA currently captures and stores information for all inpatient and outpatient care delivered at VISN 7 […]
CDC Case Study
HCRS Partners with RTI to Provide Coding Services for the CDC Objective HCRS received a task order from a prime contractor, RTI, to provide technical support services to the CDC’s Division of Health Care Statistics under Domain 1 for Survey Design and Implementation. Background The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) is a nationally representative […]
Liver Cancer Feasibility Case Study
Case Study: HCRS Conducts Liver Cancer Feasibility Study Challenge Between 1995 and 2003, 330 liver cancer cases were identified within 14 zip codes around San Antonio’s Kelly Air Force Base by the Texas Cancer Registry (TCR). The residents suspected potential environmental conditions, such as groundwater contamination, contributed to the elevated risk of liver cancer cases. […]
AETC Case Study
Case Study: Standardization Leads to Improved Data Quality The U.S. Air Force, Air Education and Training Command (AETC) Background: AETC is serving as an example in the Air Force for standardizing data quality measures to ensure accurate, complete, consistent and timely reporting of medical record coding. Key to AETC’s success is a command-wide auditing methodology […]
Marshals Case Study
Catalyst for a National Initiative: Project Management and Implementation Support for the U.S. Marshals Service’s New Managed Healthcare System A HealthCare Resolution Services, Inc. Case Study Client The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) is the nation’s oldest and most versatile federal law enforcement agency. Serving the country since 1789,the agency’s many responsibilities include protecting federal judicial […]