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Medical Coding

Medical Coding Services

Healthcare providers are keenly aware that proper medical billing forms are the backbone of their revenue generation and management cycles. Of course, with the New York Times and other sources reporting that an additional 20 million Americans have gained health insurance coverage as a direct result of the Affordable Care Act, there has been a significant increase in the number of medical claims that organizations have to process.

So what can hospitals, providers and other healthcare organizations do to keep up with the ever-increasing need to submit medical claims that are compliant, timely and error-free? For most healthcare providers, hiring more staff for whom you have to provide benefits and workspace simply isn’t cost effective. Besides, when full-time staff need more training or go on vacation, the interruptions in your billing cycles put you right back to square one.

This issue is precisely why the affordable medical coding services offered by HealthCare Resolution Services are a trusted solution for a growing number of organizations. With no shortage of certified coders capable of working at your site or at ours, we’re a leader among medical coding consulting companies. And thanks to our more than two decades of experience, track record for accuracy and outstanding service to some of the nation’s largest healthcare providers — including governmental, military, veteran and civilian organizations — you can be assured of cash flow protection when you choose HCRS.

Healthcare Coding and Consulting

When researching medical coding companies, your organization is faced with a crucial choice. With the right service agreement and contract, medical coding companies can do everything from ensuring billing compliance and reducing billing errors to enabling your staff to better provide quality patient care. But if you outsource your medical coding to a company that’s not up to the task, these areas can just as easily turn into liabilities for your organization’s productivity, proficiency and overall reputation.

Now consider the fact that we code and audit in excess of 3 million medical records annually for the Air Force, Army and Navy — while consistently maintaining an accuracy rate of 95 percent or higher. In addition, our medical coding services offer healthcare organizations the following benefits:

  • Certified coders: All of our coders are fully certified by either the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) or the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and possess at least three years of experience.
  • Competitive pricing: We offer affordable rates for on-site, remote U.S. and offshore services.
  • Specialty coding: We can assist you with diagnosis coding, evaluation and management & coding and hierarchical condition category (HCC) coding — as well as coding for all medical specialties and settings.
  • Proprietary coding software: With HCRS, you’ll gain the accuracy and efficiency advantages of our proprietary E-Coder Structure Query Language (SQL) software.
  • Training options: We’ve successfully delivered more than 6,000 training hours to customers requiring training in everything from basic E&M coding and audit preparation to clinic-specific training and physician-focused training for documentation.

HCRS — Consistent Delivery of Value and Accuracy

Some statistics speak for themselves. That’s why we’re proud to report that our medical coding services helped the U.S. Navy Headquarters’ Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) boost their monthly coding productivity by 48 percent. Plus, we currently support more than 300 military treatment facilities across the world.

Imagine what we can do for your organization. Ready to discover how HCRS medical coding solutions can help? Contact us today.

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