What Is MIPS, Are You Eligible for It, and How Is It Changing?
The Merit-based Incentive Payment System, otherwise known as MIPS, has come a long way from its 2017 beginnings. It’s since undergone a few changes to address provider concerns and patient health, and this year is certainly no exception. Whether you’re newly eligible for MIPS, or you’ve been participating in it for a while, it’s worth discussing some […]
Why Are Mortality Reviews Important, and What Can You Do To Improve Yours?
Mortality reviews can be a key component for improving patient care, avoiding health complications, and strengthening quality assurance. Yet this system of review is often found lacking, largely due to the fact that it is decentralized and inconsistent across healthcare organizations. Let’s dig deeper into why these reviews are so important, what data they include, […]
How Can Concurrent Reviews Benefit Patient Care and Equity?
Healthcare systems often find themselves balancing two prerogatives: adopt more strategies for value-based care, but in ways that reduce the associated costs. One method for improving this process is by implementing concurrent reviews, which evaluate the appropriateness of ongoing patient care. Here’s how they can benefit your team, and what to do if managing them […]