Medical Coding, Medical Record Audit, Data Abstraction, and Research Support
We help you deal with multiple information and data management “tsunamis” – dependably, responsively, affordably.
Increasingly in the coming years, healthcare professionals – providers, public and private payers, third-party administrators and regulators alike – will face relentless and growing pressure to achieve better results while lowering costs. It will become more critical than ever to squeeze fraud, waste and abuse out of the system. Healthcare organizations will be required to demonstrate their value proposition to budget-conscious lawmakers and employers, as well as to an increasingly demanding and sophisticated public and press.
We provide the health information management a healthcare organization will need to meet those challenges:
HCRS offers coding accuracy, productivity and affordability that meets or exceeds the demanding requirements of academic medical centers, health services researchers and Department of Defense hospitals for accuracy, productivity and customer satisfaction. Our AHIMA-recognized or AAPC-certified coders all must have at least three years’ experience before we hire them. We are experts in We specialize in tight deadlines and challenging workloads.
HCRS has emerged as a complex chart review specialist of choice for Medicare and Medicaid. We perform both coding validation and medical necessity determinations for CMS, state governments, hospitals and physician groups. We specialize in DRG validation and medical necessity determination, with Recovery Audit Contract (RAC) and Medicaid subcontracts.
Our skilled and Physician FriendlySM CDI trainers will help ensure that your documentation and coding support maximum payments and maximum quality and VBP program metrics scores.
HCRS works with research organizations to provide data abstraction, data quality analysis, medical coding and medical record review, and logistical and administrative support for health services research. Our past and present clients have included Truven Analytics, RTI International, IMPAQ International, and Westat, supporting research within the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Maryland Health Care Commission, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and other organizations.